Saturday, July 21, 2012

Greetings All! It has been awhile since I've posted but I'm ready to give you the juice so here goes.

First and foremost, holy emotions! Relocating has been playing a major toll on me. One day I feel like I'm hot stuff because I have a Master's and am pursuing my career and the next I feel like "What in the heck am I doing here away from the people that I love?" Not all the people, though. My sister has been an amazing one man support system and I truly am appreciative of everything she does for me.

On to some professional news.

I been on a plethora of interviews. Most of them are for positions that technically aren't what I want to do forever, but a girls gotta eat! I locked in one job but I'm looking to here from Clear Channel Radio next week for a position that will help boost my career. (So keep your fingers crossed)

In the meantime, I recently accepted a blogging position with Her Game Life, in which I'll be blogging information about the St. Louis Rams. (I initially wanted the Cowboys since I'm in Dallas now, but they only had Rams availability). I'll let you know when I begin posting so make sure you check me out.

As for fun,

I've been to a few new restaurants in the past weeks. One was Five Sixty by Wolfgang Puck. It was delish but if it weren't for happy hour I would've had to wash dishes. However, the restaurant is located in the Reunion Tower (the ball building in the skyline) and rotated 360 degrees; the view was amazing. I also went to a gourmet Mexican spot called Cantina Loredo which was also delicious and had spectacular service.

Another first was Studio Movie Grill, the theater I went to to see The Dark Knight Rises (amaze) at last night. This place allows you to eliminate the "Dinner before or after the movie?" question by providing a full service restaurant and staff in the actual theater. I kept it simple with chicken fingers and fries but they have an assortment of choices. I recommend the New Orleans Hurricane if you're looking to "relax".

Enjoy the rest of your day!



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